
Salon Du Chocolat Design

 The Salon du Chocolat always offers up much eye candy in the way of innovative packaging. Francois Pralus got the ball rolling years ago using a rainbow of bright colors to package his bars (instead of the tres boring chocolate brown still used by some chocolatiers).

 A multi-vert/green stack from Pralus.

 A pretty copycat from Darcis.

 Happy colors for Arnaud Larher's macaron boxes.

 I love seeing the product through the box - these macaron coques/shells from Sadaharu Aoki.

 Beautiful shades of honey/miel at the Salon. It's not just chocolate!

 Golden wrapped maron glacee sitting in copper pot - simply lush from Frederic Cassel of Fontainebleau.

 More delights from Frederic Cassel...

 Chocolat Chapon never disappoints with a combination of contempory and old-fashioned design.

 Nothing wrong with an old-fashioned pink box of Beschle Swiss chocolates tied with a green bow ever.

Can you imagine a better way to package your Smart Car then enrobed in Pierre Herme macarons? Miam
Here's a look inside the golden wrapped chocolate packaging of Ferrero Rocher step-by-delicious step
Do go to the Salon du Chocolat and try one!

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