Loulou et Princesse by Frederic Cassel watercolor on Etsy
So people ask me all the time,
"How come you just paint desserts?"
In David Dewey's watercolor class once a year at Christmas we would have a dessert party. Everyone brought in something or other. Then we painted them. Then we ate them. Naturally they were all good geometric shapes like Cezanne preferred - cubes, sphere, pyramids etc.
Here's a couple of my early efforts from 2000...
Naturally I'd have liked the dessert party to occur more often. Like maybe every class...
Though I'm not a big fan of cake.
It's probably another reason I came to France besides all the pets, is the beautifully geometric shapes of the pastries. And for all the endless versions of tarte citron...
Moving along to today's demo which is not a tarte citron...hmm
That will come maybe later in the week...
I'm really loving doing these thumbnails...
The picture wouldn't work without them...
at least for this smaller size (5.5 x 8.5").