
Showing posts with label Moving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moving. Show all posts

To toss or not to toss...

Jeudi 21 fevrier Moving Day!
To toss or not to toss?
That is the question, when you're packing up and shipping out(to Paris today).So many articles tell you to separate from your old 'junk'.
Going through old photos and remembering Bear's birth date - sweet!
What about souvenirs from auspicious occasions like Paul Bocuse's MOF luncheon in Lyon?
Toss or keep?
And that tiny bikini from Brazil you're pretty sure you'll never wear again? Toss it?
Maybe because of all the macaron research you've been doing since? So hard to throw out macaron 'trash' isn't it?
It's hard to leave behind old favorite books too...
And old valentines by old artists who thought to honor you with fishy idea why
Do you throw out the sweet note Julia Child sent thanking you for her drawing?
How about your kindergarten report card?
'Carol doesn't like the drudgery of cleaning and she needs constant reminders to finish her job'.
How did she nail me so well back then...some things haven't changed much.
I admit I felt great pleasure kicking my old junk down the stairs! Out with the old and in with the new.
I better get back to finishing...
Or I won't make my plane this afternoon
Tick tock tick tock
Talk to you from Paris
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