
Showing posts with label paris red. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paris red. Show all posts

L'Echarpe Rouge

Samdi 9 fevrier l'Escharpe Rouge
Everyone thinks they have to don a chloe bag or Jimmy Choo heels to make a hit in Paris and blend in, when in fact you simply need a red scarf/l'esharpe rouge. It's that simple.
I couldn't begin to shoot all the red scarves I saw in Paris...
And it's not just women wearing the classic red scarf. Men are evident everywhere wrapped in rouge.
I had no idea what a lucky thing it was when I picked up a red scarf for a mere 10 euros on rue Vavin - perhaps the best Paris fashion statement I own.
Really a touch of red some where on your person is nothing new. We have plenty of historic reference to prove it.
The French bearing a touch of red goes back quite a ways.
I love this tiny thumbnail sketch of 19th century plein aire artist, Eugene Boudin, who is responsible for getting Monet to paint outdoors. Note all the touches of red on these beach goers at Deauville.
Red boots on the bus with a black cuff = perfection.
Just a red beret will do you and not break the couture bank.
Wearing a touch of red underneath it all could do I suppose especially so close to Valentines Day
Accessorising yourself with a red-garbed pup is fine in Paris. It's all in the details as author Harriet Welty Rocheforte of Joie de Vivre notes. By the way you will not find Harriet without her signature tomato red scarf.
Eating a red petits fours by Sadaharu Aoki won't help your fashion rating or your hips in Paris but this special edition for Valentines Day looks worth it.
As a last gasp effort if there is no red in your wardrobe, grab a red lollypop or sucette. The French have an insane attachment to lollies I have yet to figure out. Age is of no consequence when it comes to eating a lolly and almost de rigeur. I've been doing research on this phenomenom but so far have come up empty. Please elucidate me if you have a clue.
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Color Swatches

I have a bag full of color test sheets I can't throw out.
One of the 1st watercolor lessons you learn is to test out your colors on a paper scrap before putting brush to expen$ive watercolor paper.
I get attached to the test color scraps. Sometimes they're better than the so-called 'work of art'. After watercolor class I'd go round picking up the test scraps off the floor. The colors were lush, splashed on freely. Some of my own color test scraps are far superior to anything else IMO. 

  People tear their hair out daily trying to get their walls to look like some swatch of paper with a divine color on it. They've fallen in love with that color and will settle for nothing else = it's madness. Has this happened to you?  

In many PB posts I'll mix up and match paint colors to whatever I'm writing on about, whether it be macarons, chocolate, swimming pools, cherries, toy birds, ice cream, orange, red, black, pink.  

Long ago I took a color mixing class at Parsons. We could only use 3 primaries - RED + YELLOW + BLUE. We mixed colors until we were blue in the face for 6 weeks.

Mixing GREENS is always difficult.

That's the thing about color. It's so easy to fall in love with color. I thought I was mad for RED. All those ridiculous personality tests where they ask you your favorite color, I always put RED. But now I realize it's BLUE I can't stop using all over the place.

I took Dr. Lusher's color test for this post.
It told me:
Hungers for intensity in life and welcomes opportunity to take on challanges.
I love color mixing and matching.
It's one of those nice meditative, mindless activities you can do endlessly, yet at the same time is quite challenging. It's not as easy to match a color as you'd imagine.
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Paris Signs

 I'm addicted to Paris signs especially in the Metro. It can help if you get lost looking for the exit...
 I learned today at The Paris Chronicles the white 'beveled' Metro tiles are quite special - they not only reflect more light but have become a chic addition to many homeowner's kitchens and bathrooms.
 I love the separate exits in the Metro. No fighting incoming riders like in New York's MTA. Any wonder NYC makes the top of the list for rudest city?
 FYI you won't be able to use the machines if you don't have a chip in your credit card so be sure to have euros onhand.
 Leaving the inner sanctum of the Metro can set you up
 For spectacular views like l'Opera Garnier. But you'll be on an island, Pl Charles Garnier with at least 4-5 possible crossings on offer.
 I'm immersed reading Thirza Vallois on my new Kindle. She keeps you busy every single step looking this way and that, taking in historical data I previously overlooked. No wonder I see red in Paris. Formerly the cobblestones were streaming with it.
 The Pont Neuf Metro lets you out on a 16th century bridge once teaming with booths, markets, jugglers, prostitutes...
 Only les Bouquinestes were allowed to stay...
 And the pigeons...
 I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for Paris signs advertising 'La Formule' lunches come March...
 Bonjour Paris Signs!
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Paint Paris Red

Back to Paris reds....

Cerise red, watercolor, 9" x 11'

The Paris bistro is almost always rouge/red = steak frites

Is there a cafe Rouge?

Chaise rouge...

Early morning Paris cafe...

Chef's break...

Texting in a taxi = non

Eating an ice cream cone = oui

Alsacian Christian Ferber's griottes rouges...

Red/pink framboise 'fraisier'...

Lequel ces fruits rouges prefere tu?

Red jello in Paris is elegance...

A red kid's corduroy jumper is d'elegant...

A petit Parisien red coat dans le rue...

Bonjour Paris Reds!
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