
Showing posts with label Jardins du Luxembourg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jardins du Luxembourg. Show all posts

On rue Vavin

 Strolling down rue Vavin is a good way to experience a slice of a Parisian maman's life. Get out at Metro Vavin (ligne 4), cross bd Raspail and head down.
 Try not to get run over by the pousettes/strollers or better yet avoid the late afternoon stampede home from la creche. But then where would be the fun?
 I can never resist a pistache/framboise cone at Amorino at #4 and neither can anyone else.
 Paris dads come to browse on rue Vavin -the Avenue Montaigne of kids clothes. It's lucky the street is pedestrian, since you'll be zigzaging to look in all the windows of the best children's shop in Paris.
 Jacadi, Petite Bateau, Catamini, Berlingot, Chattawak, Marese...
 Will keep you enthralled.
 And only the best stuffed animals/doudous.
 For maman lovely ballerinas by Jaime Mascaro at #15
 Two very good neighborhood boulangeries...
 Plus superb chocolatier Jean-Paul Hevin at #3. You'll never go hungry on rue Vavin.
 Two or three papier shops like Marie-Papier at #24.
 A huge kids book store with cahier/notebooks to practice French cursive  at FNAC #19.
 Keep heading down the street and you'll hit one of many entrances into...
 Jardin du Luxembourg or 'le Luco'
Once inside you may catch some French kids/les gosses misbehaving briefly...ahem
reade more... Résuméabuiyad