Yesterday's picture of the red shoes + red bag got me thinking. You can't go wrong wearing red shoes in Paris with an accompanying red accessory.
Wearing red in Paris is 'a shoe in' or 'a shoo in'
"a shoe in" means you have one foot in the door...he's a shoe in for the job...meaning he has a good chance of the getting the job.
"shoo in" is a racetrack term applied to a horse that is expected to win a race'.
So if you want to win the fashion race in Paris get out your red shoes + something else red.
Brigitte did it.
This French women may be a bit trop don't you think? Btw thanks for letting me know you want Parisbreakfast 5X a week and even more yesterday.
On the other hand red nails + red ballerinas = perfection.
It's my belief little French girls get plenty of 'red' indoctrination with multiple rereadings of Little Red Riding Hood/Le Petit Chaperon Rouge.
They start right off dolling up in total red outfits. This is not a Halloween trick or treat walk.
N2 makes loads of goofy red riding hood jewelry for just this purpose. I got a red riding hood ring. I'm never without mine.
Here's little French girl in her all-red summer outfit.
Practice practice practice!
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