Listen up PBers. This could be an important Paris leçon. If you plan to rent an apartment in Paris, even for one week, you NEED to know about Picard. Who wants to eat out every night?
Granted I rented apartments in Paris short-term many times but Never figured out Picard. I used to go in, look around, always when it was empty(?) and think,
"What is this? A dental surgery? Get me outta here vite!"
But Bear and I have come to know dear Picard quite well these past months. We're in there almost daily. On occasion twice daily just to check the ice cream case. More about that later...
Here's a special fav of ours - Alaskan cod. Just pan fry it and add their Provençal roasted vegetables (microwave em) and you'll be sooo happy. Picard's frozen food is like nothing you've seen in the US or elsewhere I bet. They have canard if you've got an oven. The selection is humungous and pas cher de tout (cheap).
Tons of BIO (organic to us) stuff like these veggies under 2€ for a big supply of spinach. I'm addicted to their epinards branches bio.
How bad can that be for you PBers?
Clever Picard portions out the spinach and other products into these nugget-shaped things instead of one massive clump. They must love single peeps and couples. Personally this could be a good pickup place IMHO. I see lots of cute guys/beau mec shopping.
Picard is Paris' Trader Joe's (900 stores in France). They always have new tempting seasonal stuff like whole cooked lobsters from Canada during holiday season and Coquille Saint-Jacques in the shell! All kinds of deluxe mushrooms ready for the micro. It's well known many a fancy schmancy Parisian dinner party got their fare at Picard. Chef Marthe said she was eating at her daughter's and asked how she made the main course.
"Oh it's Picard. I tweaked it".
Oh and about their ice cream...ahem
It just may be the best on the planet. I kid you not. Please try the coffee/cafe (only 2.80 for a litre!!) and let me know what. Inquiring minds etc,
They have 'dixie' cups if you're watching your weight and don't trust yourself with a full litre (2 euros). The vanilla with macademia caramel is to-die-for. Darling Carla Coulson says all French moms-to-be are told to stock up for 6 months so they won't have to cook once the bebe arrives. I'm not enceinte but my freezer is jam packed...
Fancy pants chef Francois Theron is creating special flavors like Speculoos (!!!) for a mere 4.50€ - the same price as 2 bols de Bertillon you can hardly see.
Disclosure: I am not in the pay of Picard nor do I get any free ice cream (quelle dommage) so don't get the wrong idea PBers.
Bear's favorite bedtime reading is Picards latest newsletter and mine too. Good way to practice yr French non? Hmmm...
"Palette de rouges, de jaunes et verts. Les légumes bruts ont la part belle chez Picard. Cueillis au meilleur de leur maturité, bla bla bla