
Showing posts with label piscine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label piscine. Show all posts

Swim:why we love the water

 I took Lynn Sherr's SWIM on my Kindle to Paris to motivate me to hit many of Paris' community piscines.
'We swam before we walked or breathed, but then we forgot. The same thing happened outside the womb:swimming was practiced regularly in ancient times butvirturally disappeared for centuries'.
 I've been going to piscine St. Germain 6 years running. But this time I made it to Pontoise, perhaps the most spectacular pool in Paris. WOWZA
 Paris has 38 public pools!
 They are extremement well run.
This online chart tells you daily which pools are open and hours. After my Paris bus guide this is my bible.
 Click on each pool's name and all info is there:
Metros, velib stations, buses, free classes etc.
 The entrance to St. Germain 12, rue Lobineau 75006 is a hop away from Patisserie Gerard Mulot.
 Every pool has vending machines selling cheap caps, bathing suits, goggles, everything but towels and flip flops/les tongs.
So don't tell me you left your stuff at home.
'Pools used to be called tanks, whether they were actual tanks full of water or just holes in the ground. What you wore in a tank was 'a tank suit'.
 At St.Germain they give you a hanger for your clothes. You hand it back to the attentant but wear the red rubber bracelet into the pool. Post-swim you hand in the bracelet and get your stuff back. et voila!
 St. Germain is huge and very clean!
All of the pools I visited were the same.
 I felt like Burt Lancaster swimming my way across Paris' pools.
 Be not afraid.
The pools come with crystal clear instructions - les regles
Illustrated charts of dos and DON'TS.
 At piscine Keller 15th arr. you get duck instructions.
 The entry way at Keller -very orderly.
This is piscine Butte au Caille in the 13th. Once famous for using fresh water but someone said this is no longer true. Still a gorgeously huge and clean pool - altogether a delight.
 The pool attendent noticed my bathing bag.
'Ah...Pierre Herme! the best pastry!'
'But it's $$$' I responded.
'Yes, but it's the BEST!'
Listen to your pool attendent.
They know.
 All pools have hair dryers though the changing room systems vary from pool to pool.
 The tarifs are low 3-4 euros a swim.
Better yet get a card for 10 swims.
This summer I'll get the 3 month card and hit as many pools as possible. Anyone can swim. You don't have to be a resident or French.
Gerard Mulot (open at 6:30 am) is just down the block from the pool. Pierre Herme is 5 minutes walk away. 
 You can happily 'reward' yourself for a good workout immediately post-swim = Instant gratification.
If you love swimming - (Lynn Sherr notes, it's the best of all exercises and I agree) don't miss her celebratory book, SWIM.
It will get you into the water in Paris or at home.
'This book is about:
an inquiry into why we swim—the lure, the hold, the timeless magic of being in the water. It’s a look at how swimming has changed over the millennia, how this ancient activity is becoming more social than solitary today. It’s about our relationship with the water, with our fishy forebearers, and with the costumes that we wear'.
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Bear's Last Day in Paris

 Carolg did NOT want to leave Paris this trip!
merci Jean-Paul Goude
 A last jump into St.-Germain piscine.
I wish Carolg would stop saying,'Je neige'
when she means 'J'ai nager'..ahem
The flipflop saleswoman at Monop laughed de trop.
 Post-swim a last 'reward' from nearby Pierre Herme. Ooops no kouign amann left.
 Pastry expert, Raids-Petisseries said we must taste Herme's new tarte collection.
 But we fell for 'Gourmandise Constellation'
 Back in the rue running home we wolfed down the PH kouglof studed with dried fruit.
oh la la - quelle crunch!
 The Gourmandise Constellation can NOT be eaten in the street.
 Then a mad rush to make order of French Girl's appart...eek
 Then a mad rush to RER B -> CDG!!
 Bear got to browse the pelouches again.
 Bear's brightest idea ever...
 A 5-minute deep full-body massage for a mere 2 near AirFrance's gate.
 The trip home was amazingly pleasent thanks to that massage perhaps.
 Carolg is back doing the stairs hourly
(not Parisian escalier malheueusement).
She has to get thin for Paris!
House sitting for all of July and August is on the menu PBers.
Yahoo :)
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