Do you wanna be a French girl?
Eat compote!
Something rarely if ever mentioned in the many tomes on achieving utter Frenchiness. Yet every French child learns to eat compote in the creche and before and being French, they never give it up.
Not too many calories in plain old apple sauce are there, ahem
And you can gussie it up with a touch of peche or figue or whatever your heart desires.
Whilst in Maine, Monsieur Jacquie aka Jackie, a Maine Coon with great 'je n'ai sai quoi', taught me the way of making compote a la Francaise
Your pommes/apples do not have to be French by the way. Macintosh will do just fine.
Serving your compote de pomme in Frenchie-looking bleu dinner ware can't hurt in your efforts to achieve true Frenchiness
Le recipe received from cher Jacquie yesterday:
Ingredients: Apples, water, cinnamon, and a scant of sugar if desired. (makes about 2+ cups)
6-8 medium apples, peeled and sliced. ( I don't bother coring them, just slice to the core) into a medium size sauce pan. Pour enough water to fill the bottom of the pan. (about an inch high).
Cover and place on med heat. Boil/steam until the apples are softened.
Check often to be sure the apples do not burn and stick to the bottom.
If the apples are not softened and there is no water remaining, add a bit more water.
When the apples are softened, remove from heat. Stir with a fork until you reach a consistency that you like.
Add cinnamon and sugar to taste. I often forgo sugar depending on the tartness of the apple.
I like tart- so I often use Macintosh or Macouns. Cortlands are rumored the best for cooking. A matter of taste.
(I threw in zest + juice from 1/2 organic lemon + a teaspoon of brown sugar to counteract the lemon).
miam miam
As an homage to Jacquie's skills in la cuisine in watercolor. Surely M.J. deserves this!
Have you read it? Truly adorbs
Her new sweater doesn't smell of me
I could pee on that
She's gone out for the day and left her laptop on the counter
I could pee on that
Her new boyfriend just pushed my head away
I could pee on him
She's ignoring me ignoring her
I could pee everywhere
She's making up for it by putting me on her lap
I could pee on this
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